SPAR-Marathon Accessibility Policies and Plan

SPAR-Marathon Roofing Supplies Accessibility Policies

 Statement of organizational commitment  SPAR Marathon Roofing SPAR-Marathon Roofing Supplies is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration, and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontario’s accessibility laws.


We are committed to training staff in Ontario’s accessibility laws and aspects of the Ontario Human Rights Code that relate to persons with disabilities. We will train our employees on accessibility as it relates to their specific roles. Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies provided online training with updated information from third party consultant company (Dunk & Associates Inc.) for Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act for all new employees.

Information and communications

We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. When asked, we will provide information about our organization and its services, including public safety information, in accessible formats or with communication supports.


We will notify employees, potential hires and the public that accommodations can be made during recruitment and hiring. We will notify staff that supports are available for those with disabilities. We will put in place a process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees. Where needed, we will also provide customized emergency information to help an employee with a disability during an emergency. Our performance management, career development and redeployment processes will take into account the accessibility needs of all employees.

Changes to existing policies

We will modify or remove an existing policy that does not respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.

SPAR-Marathon Roofing Supplies
Accessibility Plan

Message from the President

Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration, and we are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and meeting our accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontario’s accessibility laws.


Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies achieved training of all employees with online accessibility training.

Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies strives to meet the needs of its employees and customers with disabilities and is working hard to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility.

Our business is committed to fulfilling our requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. This accessibility plan outlines the steps we are taking to meet those requirements and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.

Our plan shows that Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies will play its role in making Ontario an accessible province for all Ontarians.

Section One: Past Achievements to Remove and Prevent Barriers

There are programs in our organization to improve accessibility for people with disabilities and to meet requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

We implemented training for all new employees to know the requirements of accessibility and update them when needed.

Customer Service

Our organization has remained in compliance with the Customer Service Standard by following guidelines for accessibilities.

Customer feedback through accessible email posted on our website with our safety and management team to accommodate all required needs. To receive feedback, we provided email access to accommodate this requirement.

Section Two: Strategies and Actions

Our organization plans to meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and to remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities.

Customer Service

Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies is committed to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities. This means that we will provide goods and services to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others. Our organization is planning to continue to comply with the Customer Service Standard.

Information and Communications

Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies is committed to making our information and communications accessible to people with disabilities.


Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies is committed to fair and accessible employment practices.


Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies is committed to accessible procurement processes. We are committed to incorporating accessibility features/ considering accessibility for people with disabilities.


Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies is committed to providing training in the requirements of Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it applies to people with disabilities.

Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies provided online training with updated information from third party consultant company (Dunk & Associates Inc.) for Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act for all new employees.

Our performance management, career development and redeployment processes will take into account the accessibility needs of all employees.

Design of Public Spaces

Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies will meet accessibility laws when building or making major changes to public spaces.

Spar-Marathon Roofing Supplies will put procedures in place to prevent service disruptions to the accessible parts of our public spaces.

For More Information

For more information on this accessibility plan, please contact the Safety Manager at Telephone number: 416-744-2050, email address:

Standard and accessible formats of this document are free on request from above email and free to download in our website.

SPAR-Marathon Red Book